Masstransit on docker
Masstransit on docker

masstransit on docker masstransit on docker

Assuming we have dotnet installed, we just open a folder in powershell and get started. We first need to set-up our solution and create the projects we’ll need. That will generate an excel file that we can then download afterwards, once the service completes.

masstransit on docker

I’m going to setup a dotnet Web API that will publish a message to a MassTransit service over RabbitMQ. The application I’m going to try and set up is really just a ‘Hello world’ for this stack. Just select the image in Container Station and you have a RabbitMQ instance running. RabbitMQ is actually available as a docker image from DockerHub as well. Our hosting is going to be in docker using one of the dotnet containers available on DockerHub. For background services, I’m opting for MassTransit, as it seems like an obvious alternative to NServiceBus. I’ve opted for a MySQL database, since my NAS has that pre-installed and use RabbitMQ as a broker for my services. All of those aren’t new, free and/or open-source, so I get the chance to play around with an entirely new stack. The stack I am most familiar with has a SQL Server database that we are using as a broker for NServiceBus with the website hosted in IIS. I had to reconsider some of my usual choices. Given the context I will try to go for free and lightweight software that should mirror what I’m used to working with. Since it supports docker it should be able to run dotnet even though I can’t install dotnet directly on the NAS.

Masstransit on docker